Sunday 27 February 2011


"You will be able to do it if you have been doing it."

I attended a conference which promote Facebook usage in business today.  I wasn't a kind of person to intrest in IT stuff, but need is need.  I think it's a really trend and the world is changing in terms of human connection.

One of the presenter said at the conference, "It's not you do it because you can do it, but you will be able to do it if you have been doing it."  The advancement of technology is so fast these days.  New concept emerges every couple of years and if you hesitate to try it you are already behind the pack.  Nobody knew Facebook only couple of years ago and now it has more than 600 million users worldwide.  The idea is about just try it before thinking about if you can do it or not.  Whan you are doing it and continue it, before you know it, you can be an "expert."  That's the way it is. 

Continuous education and adaptability will be iportant for us to live in the 21st century.  It's tough but exiting, isn't it?


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