Monday 20 July 2015

20 July 2015

The three-day weekend comes to an end.  I wasn's so active during this time.  It has been hot and sunny summer days, and people has been on leisure mood, so its better to avide these hustles and bustles.  In fact, I haven't taken rest fully, since I took my new job at the biggining of March.  I needed time to recover mentally na dphysically.  Lots of reading and some writing.  Sleeping, washing cloths and cleaning house too.  It's like I did nothing but everything I needed to prepare for the coming months.
In the evening I went to a small bar near the beach and took so wine.  People come to the beach from Tokyo for holiday.  I live here and commute Tokyo for work.  I like this lifestyle.  Not bad.  The owner of the bar called me, "Look, the sunset is so beautiful!"

Sunday 19 July 2015

19 July 2015

A parcel has arrived from Spain.  It was a book titled "Rumbo a Una Vida Mejor" by Jorge Bucay.  Bucay is a author introduced by my friend in Barcelona.  The contents seems so meaningful.  I wonder if a language is designed to express certain elements better than the other languages?  The topics of Bucay's book are la vida, el amor, las familias, las felicidades etc.  Of cource these concepts can be translated into other languages such as English or Japanse though, they seem to fit well expressed in Spanish.  Isn't it interesting?  I am exited to start to read this book.

Sunday 12 July 2015

12 July 2015

In the late afternoon, I went to a chilinguito (beach house) at the beach near my house, tool a bottle of ginger ale and read a book.  At the moment, I have been reading "One Girl, One Dream" by Laura Dekker.  Laura circumnavigated the world by her yacht called Guppy adn made the record of youngest sailer who did the solo round the world.  The weather is lovely.  People look young and healthey.  It looks ordinal but special.

11 July 2015

I had a chance to go on a cruise on a sailing.  The Japan Saling Federation invided people to experience yachting at the sea near my house.  I have been on a yacht a couiple of times before though, it is alswasys nice to get on a boat.  Seeing the land, which we live everyday, from off shore is like ovserving our lives objectively.  It is so precious and relaxing.