Friday 11 March 2011


A massive earthquake occured in Japan this afternoon.  The epicentre was off the Sanriku coast in the northern part of Japan.  I was working at my office in Tokyo when it happened and the jolt of the earthquake was the biggest I've ever had in my life.

After the initial quake, there are several tramors continued and we had to evacuate from the building to the football pitch nearby.  As it is used to be said, the earthquake itself wasn't so scary (it was in certain degree) but the harder part was the mess following the earthquake.  We had had to stay in the football pitch for more than one hour in freezing condition until the security in the building was confirmed.

It was reported all the trains, subways and highways were temporarily stopped.  Prime minister dicreared emergency and the TV continuously shows the damages of tsunami which at some coasts reached more than 10 meters and washed away ships and cars.  Several people lost lives.
I am fine and didn't hard any bad news from my family and friends.

Please take care for those who is suffering.


1 comment:

  1. From Auckland, New Zealand it is incredibly hard to comprehend what it must be like for everyone in Japan right now.

    Here in New Zealand in Christchurch we experienced a horrific earthquake ourselves, just a few weeks ago - but who would think the scenes of devastation could be 10 x worse - such as those we've seen in Japan..?

    My heart goes out to all in Japan right now, and to all those awaiting anxiously to hear from friends and family...
