Monday 23 September 2013

22 September: Self Awareness

In ESADE's Full-time MBA course, in addition to ordinal business subjects such as economics and finance, we are provided a unique subject called the LEAD (Leadership and Development) once in every couple of weeks in the first couple of months.

LEAD takes you through an experiential and self reflective journey of personal leadership development by feedback from faculty and classmates.  True leadership starts with a firm self awareness.  It is only through this self awareness that one can be realistic about one's leadership strengths and developmental needs.

I like this LEAD course.  It requires to ask a lot of questions about myself, such as "What kind person am I?", and "Where am I going?", in a structured manner.

In the first introductory session, which was held in last week, the professor asked us to imagine that you are in a airplane that are going to crush and you are going to die.  You are reflecting back your life.  Usually, we don't put ourselves one of these extreme situation often, but it would be very useful, in this way, to screen your priority once in every couple of years.

The more you know your core values clearly, the more confidently and comfortably you can make decisions.  I am excited about where this course 'leads' me.

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